Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hi i'm a PC and Hi i'm a douchebag

 Hi I’m a PC. Hi I’m a Douche Bag.
If you haven’t been to a university campus recently, then you would not be aware of the new religion that is taking the fucking hippy socialist pussy world by storm. The messiah of this new cult and or religion recently died. His name was Steve Jobs. Yes, I am talking about the fanatical following of Apple.

Do not misinterpret what I am saying. I like apple products; matter of fact, I love my IPhone. However, what I hate is when people live in that La La land/dreamworld that apple is not a Corporate business that would kill their own Grandmother, and possibly yours for profits. Apple doesn't care about you, me, their black rim glasses wearing zealots, or anyone else. They care about profits and their investors. If you think otherwise take you IPad or mac book air and smash it against your head till you see the truth, or they replace it under their wonderful product protection plan.

Good on you, if you love apple and buy what they make because it is a superior product. You are a capitalist who spends your money as you see fit. If you bought an IPhone, IPad, and Mac book air to show how big your dick is, you are also a capitalist but also a douche bag, an idiot, and a meat head. Cool IPad bro, you must be really sweet.

However, what I hate the most is the people who see this corporate company as god send that has brought our world closer to salvation. You people are more delusion than the guy using an IPhone as a penis pump, there isn’t an app for that. You look at Steve jobs apple like they make these products out of the goodness of their own hearts and that any money made by apple goes towards purchasing a puppy for every kid who was ever diagnosed with cancer.

You want to know a little well known secret. That you can find in google really easily. Search Apple Foxconn and suicide nets. You will find that apple has their main factory in china. This factory which is owned by a company called Foxconn, which is used by other companies such as HP, Dell and other less worshiped companies, creates many products such as the iPhone and iPad. The working conditions involve working long hours with no breaks and the irresponsible use of dangerous chemicals. The repetitive labour, which is comparable to a Nike sweat shop, has actually caused more than 15 suicides and the threat of a 150 person mass suicide to improve working conditions. Foxconn solutions was to put up suicide nets to catch those who attempt suicide.

So to all you Apple worshipers out there, I hope you can still use the touch on your iPads with all that blood on your hands


  1. congratulations for identifying something that we all already knew.

  2. Your grammar makes this painful to read. Stop.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Maybe your time. Which I see is probably not being used effectively. I like reading this. Fucker.

    2. Admin slapped. I don't care about what apple does to make their money. Just don't act like they are saints. I hate hearing the wonders of free trade rant from someone rocking an apple product. Not me being hypocritical bro. U mad? keep writing comments on your iPad

  4. you should vlog instead. You're probably funny in person but your writing is poorly edited. More effective proofreading could help.

  5. Sorry about the grammar boys. Not my greatest asset by a long shot

  6. really, complaining about grammar on a rage blog.

    1. Is that against rage blog rules?

    2. Not really, this blog is dedicated to complaining about some petty first world problems. Thought I would point out some other ones.

    3. first world problems like grammar errors. U mad bro

    4. Really? complaining about grammar?... on a blog? your parents must be proud of you.

  7. Doesn't it seem a little ridiculous to complain about customer service from a company that sells high priced products when the people who make it complain about not wanting to live anymore because their work is so strenuous. You seem like a spoiled little frat boy.

    1. You must be a very smart person. I liked the part when you read the blog and didn't overreact like a little child... oh, no wait, you read the blog and have bitched about it worse then a kid going to a dentist. You're probably as tough in real life as you are online too, right?...haha, that was a joke. You're obviously not.

  8. You completely miss the point. This is not some self righteous blog. Man, I said it all above. I believe in capitalism. When something is a shitty service ,like Bell tele-communications, I'll say it is shit. When a good product like the iPhone is made, I commemorate it. I don't act like I am innocent. Capitalism is exploitation. However, I don't pick and choose my battles. No where in the blog above do I complain about how apple treats me. I don't even complain about the way they treat their employees. I just hate the fucking people who worship the company like it does otherwise. You missed the thesis statement. U mad bro?

  9. Who the fuck cares about his grammar. Who the fuck cares what he writes about. All you people are completely missing the point. Point of a blog is to write how and whatever you want about. Get over yourselves for crying out loud.

  10. This kid's whiney

  11. I can't tell who any one is talking about. Make some accounts you scumbags, then follow or hate regularly!


  13. Everyone who commented on this blog is a complete douche fuck

  14. You just hate macs because you poor

    1. Did you even read the post. You are a fucking idiot.

  15. This is fucking garbage

  16. Love it :) Crap-ple is delusional just like The Emperors new suit of clothes, people are so blinded by the hype they cannot see the real truth, the message from Apple is "Hey suckers give us your money and we will shit on your head"
