Friday, March 30, 2012

Hating on Tim Horton's Troll up the rim and lose

Those of you who had a bad troll up the rim. Give you number of losses here. Wow thank you Timbo. I appreciate 1 in 6 chance to swear and call Tim on his BS. The only way troll up rim could be worse is that you roll up the rim and the cup tells you that you are adopted or maybe that your parents died in a violent car accident. Maybe you could roll up the rim and there is a picture of a tim horton's employee spitting in your coffee


  1. The biggest loss I've ever had was spending another $2 on a coffee when I really didn't need one. Other than that I congratulate Timmies marketing division for creating a simple game that has minimal costs for the company and major returns with the influx of customers. Despite the odds, everyone likes it when they roll up the rim and find out they can have an extra doughnut to put around their belt line

  2. I won 2 out of 27. Never again!

  3. 10 out of 15 suckers!!!!!
