Friday, March 30, 2012

Cool story bro, how sweet are you dude.

Man how sweet are you dude. Sitting at liquor serving establishment listening to the two sweetest dudes on the planet Earth. Man hearing two guys talk about the things that makes them sweet probably the single greatest blessing of my life. I just got the official ranking of Canadian whiskeys. Oh wait a minute it is not whiskey its rye. And thank you for enlightening me that the most expensive whiskey is the best. Oh sorry i meant rye. I do not know much about whiskey. I just drink it. I didn't take the time get a PhD in sweetness with a minor in knowing unless information about liquor. These sweet dudes also have the keen ability of looking at price tag to measure quality.Then I can learn about how to make car go faster, because a sweet dude can't roll any where without some sweet wheels om his sweet ride. Cool story bro, give up on life. If you need to life you life where everybody sees, or in my case hear, how sweet you are, then go drive your sweet wheels of a cliff. All the money you could at throw at me, or anyone else sick of hearing your BS, will not slow down the beat down you deserve for polluting the air with the contents of that near empty head.